This was one of the best movies I have seen this month. It was very funny and it moved realistlicly. Was that rotoscope? Had a great story to. I never even thought about Xing out of this one early. A great intro too. I love it when people make fun of the blam protect system. And I know if anyone should run it, it would be bitey. Great newground famouse music too. You had the super smash bros song. The elevator music song. The whole nine yards. Also you have great impressions. You sound just like jerry jackson and logo. I cant wait to see the next episode.
Way to anti newgrounds. Dont make fun of something I love. Also there was a lot of problems with your main charecter because of the rotoscop. He was always really bumpy and it set him apart way to much from everyone else, and he had no frickin face. Rotoscope made him look way to realistic. At some parts I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. And last of all when rotoscope man put on this solid mask but everything else was shaking and movie and it wasnt it looked very weird.