Although this was a great game that was very fun with many great aspects to it, it could not live up to the game you were blatantly trying to imitate. The graphics were great and everything, probably more realistic looking than that of dad n me, but it wasn't very fun to look at. Dad n me had many different areas and even some interactable environments. This was mostly just on a boring street.
Another quality that made dad n me great was that you fealt really powerful. Though I have nothing wrong with a good challenge, the enemies in this game had to much health to a point where the fighting was just boring, tediouse, and long, but not at all hard.
Something this game did right that other games of the like didn't, was the combo system. Having the unlocking system for combos was a great idea, and the only part of the game that kept me wanting to play instead of exiting out and finding something more original. Although most of the combos were unnecisarily gross and would apeal to more of a younger crowd, I guess some might find them funny. I however didn't and would wish you would make the combos more original as opposed to just making something randomly gross.
Although this game isn't the most original thing in the portal, I cannot say it was bad. The animation was great, the humour was incredibly stale (yet some might like that), and although it's not better, it can live up to dad n me. Try using your skill as a game creator to actually make something original next time and you could really make something great.