((VOTED 5))
Dude this has to be the most best original awsome thing I have ever heard. The way you just got all those different tones of voices to sing together so perfectly and smoothly was amazing. This song needs no music. It needs no genre. It is a piece of art in itself. I can honeslty say I have never heard something like this ever before on the site. Well I mean I have heard people try and do the whole differnt people singing at the same time but none of them acutally do it good like you did. But I do have some question. Were those really all actually differnt people, like some friends of your, or did you just record your voice in different tones a bunch of times and put them together. It doesnt really matter to me because I mean it wont change how good the song sounds but its just that having many people people singing together would take a lot of teamwork and probably add a lot to the effort. Either way it was still a great song worthy of a 5. Good job.