Well ive been in the process of moving here for a while but its finally over and im in Texas just in time to start school. Things arnt completely over with since I'm living in a one room apartment and I'm 30 minutes away from where I'm going to school. In about three weeks from now I'm making another move from my apartment in san antonio to a slightly bigger condo in Boerne near where my school is. I will stay in there until my house in Florida sells which by the way it seams will take quite a while. I just want to get this whole ordeal over with.
But this isnt the first time I've lived in Boerne. I lived here like 6 years ago but moved to Florida because of a tranfer. But we were able to find a benefits managing job here for my dad so we jumped on the chance. I hooked up with a few of my friends from the 3rd grade, which was kind of awkward since everyone is a lot different but still kind of cool. So unlike all the other times I have moved (5 times) I wont start out school completly alone.
I'll still try to find some spare time in between school and other things for newgrounds, my first home on the internet. Probably never in the same amount that I have used to do but I could never say goodbye to this site permenantly. I will try to do some audio reviews here and there and defenintly some B/Ping every now and again no matter how corrupt the system is now.
And just so you guys know I am probably permanently quitting flash and audio. I had to switch computers with the move so I lost my.....completly payed for.....flash 8 and I dont feal like.....paying for it again, and no one ever liked my audios anyways so you probably dont care.
Like always I'll post again if something interesting happens in my life or if theres any updates on the move so keep checking back here
L33ve C0mnt$ PL0X
i live in Texas as well :D It was a good place until Katrina blew over and we got invaded by New Orleans ;P
Good thing I wasn't living here at that time because if I remember correctly a lot of them came to san antonio because they're team was playing at the Alamo Dome.